
More than two years ago I planted Inward-Outward. Ever since I have watered it, let it grow and watched it come into shape slowly but surely.

Busy with other projects in the past few months, I put Inward-Outward on the back burner. During this time of latency, my vision for it became clearer as I reflected on what I had done with it so far and what I wished to accomplish with it in the future.  

At the beginning of Inward-Outward, I was collaborating with artists and working on music festivals. Having developed organisational and operational skills at the beginning of my career, an orientation towards the performing arts seemed logical. As a result, I invested myself in the organisation of several festivals whose identity were close to my heart (Pete The Monkey, Festival 36H, Jazz en Baie...). In parallel, I met some artists and helped them showcase their work by organising exhibitions.  

Then in March 2020 our lives were turned upside down by COVID. For me this radical change has, among other things, accelerated a thought process that I had not been fully conscious of before. In spite of my enriching experiences in festivals, what I like most of all is collaborating with artists: discovering their work, meeting them, discussing, setting up a project together... The desire to finetune Inward-Outward's mission and to focus on the essential led me to conceptualise its 2.0 version. 



Helping musical and artistic projects to bloom

Inward-Outward 2.0 is: exhibitions, a podcast and a blog. And at the center of it all, a focus: the artist.

Working with artists and getting to experience their art up close is what really fascinates me. Their history, their background, their inner life... all of it constitutes a rich and complex material that never ceases to attract, intrigue, and inspire me.  

With the exhibitions, I intend to continue to look for, meet and collaborate with artists with the intention to display their work for a few days in a gallery space. 

With the podcast, I wish to invite the listeners to better understand the artists’ creative process. I will interview the guests on the journey that led to the final version of the musical or artistic piece they are presenting.

With the blog, I plan to share the insights I will gather via my Inward-Outward experiences but also my reflections on topics that are close to my heart, always in connection with the artist’s life.

After more than two years of existence, I am happy and excited about Inward-Outward is growing. The path ahead is becoming clearer in my mind and my energy is renewed. I look forward to sharing my encounters, discoveries, and thoughts with you and hope you will join me on my adventure.

Louise Guillaume